Tuesday, August 29, 2006

From Where I Stand

From where I stand, you can see nothing. It is pitch black. All you can hear is the occasional rustling of the leaves as a light breeze passes by; and the pounding of my heart. I climbed up this tree to hide from the rebels. They are coming for me, the escaped prisoner. Sleep evades me so I shall lie here and wait for daylight; my only sanctuary. It is better that I not sleep for if I made a single noise, they would find me. I am scared; but not to die. The are searching for me. They are coming.

1 comment:

bella said...

I got your posts, Al S. FWIS: nice job 10/10 A

other freewrites and posts: I love the "betrayal" poem--I hope you can forgive stupid people who lie and pretend and deceive for their own ego. Hopefully they'll learn integrity one day.

"Boys" is charming and accurate, I think. Well done.

I could argue with you on "Religion and our Nation" but I appreciate your strong opinion, and you make some worthy points. (Interestingly, the POA never had the "under God" phrase originally. It was added in the 1950's).

grade: 64/75: B+